Worship Buildings

            The Shinto’s can worship in two ways, at home or at a shrine. Either way is both just as useful and have the same effect. Shinto’s worship to all kami but each kami is different for each worship.
            To worship at home, the people that own the house use a kami-dana. Basically it is a shelf that holds a mini shrine of the kami and may have an amulet to resemble good luck. At the kami-dana, they make offerings like flowers and food to the kami. If a family has bought a religious item from a shrine, then they will place it on the kami-dana to link the shrine to the shelf.
            Worshipping out of home means going to a shrine. People visit shrines for festivals, for personal spiritual reasons, or to put a request or wish to the kami. Shrines are in the natural parts of the world, so like the woods or the forest. The journey that the worshipper makes to get to the shrine forms part of the worship, and helps the worshipper move spiritually from the everyday world to a place of holiness and purity.


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